Immediately upon hearing them you wonder how it could even be: at times it’s like a doll come to life singing to you with an operatic voice, & teaching you to waltz to sparse drum beats on broken toys. To complete the effect, at shows the Tuna Helpers visually dazzle audiences with puppet shows and American Sign Language. Though theirs is a tapestry of gothic styling, they uniquely weave the doctrines of girly power, gross-out contests and sophisticated musical sensibilities into what they hope will become your favorite doll.
Here are instructions to build your own Tuna Helpers doll, coming straight from the band:
Gather the following:
- all your childhood terrors
- pictures of the grandmother that soothes you
- your first pair of teenage thigh-high stockings
- the soundtrack that played in your head when you planned the death of your first love.
Next, stitch them all together with guitar strings and lace, stuff it with corn syrup blood and rotten fish guts, and voila! A Tuna Helpers doll of your own!
Or you can just buy the CD.